Serving. Cleaning. Carving. Sweating. Perfecting my impression of being rushed of my feet, while actually being rushed off my feet. Getting Burnt, a little. Minutes resting? None.
Home - 1 Hour
Tea, maybe three cups. Water, lots, was insanely thirsty. Watching a small French man create dishes I can't. Tuna, salad, sandwich.
Attending Lecture - 1 Hour
Arse-trumpets and the very real Mediaeval merit of Monty Python.
Library - 1.5 Hours and counting
Very satisfying ninety-five minutes, 1006 word continuation of the magnificent Monty, and more about Schroedinger. What is wrong with me? Am I somehow related, or possessed?
So far I feel very satisfied. Good hard work. Hey, 10.58 words a minute of quality subject contemplation. I can go home right?
Someone posted this on VisageNovel, or Facebook as the young ones call it. Go on, play it while I describe my thoughts, it will help.
'Truly great flat-pack fun.'
In traditional Hives fashion it's what I call Million-Mile-an-Hour-Rock... although technically, thisis faster, I'm just not used to the intensity of it now that I've stopped growing my hair down to my shoulders and discussing the finer points of jazz-infused-Energizer-bunny-was-given-a-guitar, metal. At least not that often. Sober.
Which reminds me, did I ever show you that picture? Yes I must have done, now go and read all my other posts just to find it. Thanks.
And back to my initial point of starting this, the Hives, and this song in particular makes me think of this scene.
'I could sell the morning pill to the Pope.'
But at first I couldn't figure out what the scene was and I imagined it set in a shopping centre, with teenagers or some other chaotic personality, running from authority. And that led to a mad hour or so of scouring YouTube, watching mad videos like this:
'Holy Shit. Someone spelt boobies with the spices.'
Now play the original song with that.
Great huh? Or even this.
'Why are you just laughing?! We need serious help?!'
I suppose there is probably a point where I should probably stop and apologise for a post that appears to rely entirely on videos you have probably all seen before. Well, I'm sorry. But, and this is a big 'but'...
Stop that, I didn't say anybody could break into song, but I'll help nonetheless.
'She just, looks so righteous!'
Wait! What? I can't believe one simple Google-suggest brought me to that. I have struck comedy gold! How much different would this post be if I remembered what that song was called instead of blindly typing the lyrics into my browser? (Ed. It would make more sense for one, and maybe even follow a single train of though.')
But, what I meant to bring up was the fact that I was convinced the Hives song, feel free to scroll back up to remind yourself, related to a film I'd seen. That is, I thought there was a scene of some kid running through a shop, pursued in typical comic style by a Rent-a-Cop, as souvenirs and nick-nacks went flying everywhere. A perfect visual representation of the frantic and excitable mindset this music puts me in.
It is also representative of just how addictive I often find YouTube, or any similar site providing suggested links according to my previous, and often ill-advised, viewing. Just like if a supermarket started suggesting Sambuca after you bought cheap Tequila on a drunken whim last week... madness.
The more I think about it, this personalised advertising either hits the mark or makes you realise the depths you've sunk to in order to laugh/drink/gorge/entertain yourself into a stupor. Positive thinking.
But to make a finer point, this is just one reason why I love music, all of the impetus for this post was conjured by one simple video, and now I've spent endless minutes reigniting my love for Liquid Tension Experiment and Melodic Metal (thanks Angra).
I used to be a music snob and make fun of everyone who listened to music I didn't like, and I was wrong for doing it, granted I was 14 and believed it had some sort of importance, but that's still no excuse for screaming at kids on the bus for listening to the wrong music, again.
It has become apparent to me that music is good because I like it, and that's all I care about. If it gets me thinking, throwing horrendous shapes, dancing in my chair, contemplating, writing, or just puts me in a mood, then it's worth listening to.
Oh, and share that music. I never hear enough. Except on the bus, but that's another story.
Enjoy yourselves tonight. It's gonna be a good one.